As the leaves begin to change, and we feel a nip in the air, Fall is loudly proclaiming, “I am here!” All my candles are lit , their dancing flames unleash the scent of harvest spices. I love the distinctive smell as it lingers throughout my house! Fall ushers Thanksgiving, a time of thankfulness; a time to be mindful of all we have been blessed with and the many things to be thankful for. Not everyone is as fortunate as we are. I remember Oprah once saying, “Someone is always going to have more than you and someone is always going to…
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Football Players At Queen Creek High School Stand Up For A Bullied Special-Needs Student
by Shaylene King In: Bullying Tagged: acts of kindness, bullying, Girl Bullying, helping special-needs students, high school football, inspirational stories, mean girls
If you ever doubted you could make a difference by a simple act of kindness, think again. This story is such a sweet reminder, our actions carry substantive weight. How incredibly wonderful it is to see thoughtful actions of teenagers having a positive influence. Chy Johnson is a freshman at Queen Creek High School. She has a brain disorder distinctly setting her apart from other girls her age. She became an easy target for “mean girls (girl bullies)”to taunt. Their acts were cruel-Chy shares how they would even throw trash at her. Johnson’s mother reached out to Carson Jones,…
Decent Exposure
by Shaylene King In: Uncategorized Tagged: author, blogger, communication, speaker, writer

Ways To Expose Your Writing To The World Exposure is everything in the writing industry. You could be a great writer, have a fantastic story and the ability to make a difference in the lives of so many. But if nobody knows you exist, how will they realize you are an a-mazing writer with a fabulous story? And, how will they know you could make an impact? I asked myself these questions and pondered how best to effectively expose myself to the industry. Although this is not an exhaustive list, I believe it is a good start. Agents Amazon Business…
The Effects of Bullying, A True Story
by Shaylene King In: Bullying

I received a letter in my message box on Facebook shortly after I announced The Mean Girl Extinction Project – an anti-bully campaign Jordan and I started. As I read the letter, my stomach began to churn. I had no idea this friend from high school had such a terrible experience. We messaged back and fourth a few times, discussing the bullying she encountered more in depth. Her story I realized is not uncommon. I asked if I could share her letter. She kindly agreed, hoping it would help other’s avoid a similar experience. This is her story… “In school I was…
How Do I Stand Up To A Bully When The Bully Is My Friend?
by Shaylene King In: Bullying Tagged: bullying, cyberbullying, friendships, peer pressure

The Mean Girl Extinction Project Dear Josh is a page on the blog where Josh; Jordan and I (Shaylene) answer teen’s questions about bullying from the perspective of a teen/parent. Below is our Dear Josh. I wanted to share it with you. You can also find it on our bully blog (Still in process of completion) at The Mean Girl Extinction Project. Have a question you want answered? Shoot us a message over there on our blog, or here at I am so proud of Jordan and excited to work on something together with her! Dear Josh, I am not a…
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