The stage is set, the scene ready and whether it’s a book, movie or real life, when the reverend says, “Speak now or forever hold your peace” the crowd is silent and unmoving. For those few moments, they wait…will anyone have the guts to stand and say something? I kind of feel like my first novel is like that marriage waiting to be blessed, only I am the one needing to speak up. If I want anyone to read my novel, I have to share it. Or, I could stay silent and not risk failure…that would be the safe way to…
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Meanamorphosis, Do You Believe There Is Such A Thing?
by Shaylene King In: Bullying Tagged: bullying, mean, mean girls, mean stinks
Meanamorphosis, are you familiar with this word? Did you know, Mean doesn’t just happen. It is a specific, strategic and purposeful plan of attack. Is there such a thing as Meanamorphosis? I think yes! “What is It?” Good question. Meanamorphosis: is a marked change in appearance, character, condition or function using meanness as a weapon to inflict damage. Take a good look at yourself. Have you gone through the change of meanamorphosis? Check out this short film presented by Mean Stinks and ask yourself this question? “Am I like any of these girls?” A great way to to stave off meanamorphosis, T.H.I.N.K. before you act. Is what you…
A Treasure Find, Author And Speaker, Anne Fox
by Shaylene King In: Book Updates Tagged: anne fox, author, books, bullying, christmas books, education, treasure
I have recently discovered a treasure… Annie Fox, an educator and award winning author. She has amazing insight and wisdom on raising teens to be healthy responsible human beings. She has so many resources for parents and educators as well. Do you need some Christmas gifts? Anne’s books would make great gifts. I am adding them to my list! Check out her website too. Annie Teaching Kids to Be Good People Progressive Parenting for the 21st Century Authored by Annie Fox M.Ed. “Not all teachers are parents, but all parents are teachers. When we teach kids…
10 Ridiculously Simple Tips For Writing a Book- by Author Jeff Goins
by Shaylene King In: Uncategorized Tagged: author tips, Jeff Goins, writing a book
10 Ridiculously Simple Tips for Writing a Book- by Jeff Goins Had to share with my author friends this post by Jeff Goins. It made me feel confident, “YES, I can do this! “My anxiety level and the pressure I put on myself went waaay down and failure….I found myself ready to embrace. Check it out! Publishing a book is easy. All you need is a platform. You’ve never had more opportunities to choose yourself and share your work with the world. The hard part for most of us — despite what we sometimes say — isn’t the publishing part….
Abracadabra! The Magic of a Writing Contest
by Shaylene King In: Book Updates Tagged: author, First Impressions, magic, tween fiction, Writing contest
Poof! Like magic, my first tween novel has disappered! Well, no-not really, but until January 25th, it will be invisible from public view. I have entered my debut tween manuscript (unable to mention the name) in my first writing contest. First Impressions, a fiction contest put on by the ACFW, a premier organization for fiction writers has asked all writers submitting their manuscript to remove any mention of their manuscript from print. This includes blogs, websites, Twitter and Facebook… no easy feat. Why? One, this specific contest is for unpublished manuscripts. Any form of print would deem the entry no longer unpublished, therefore disqualifying it. A…
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