I love writing. It excites me! When I sit down to write every day, I always think, I wonder what’s going to happen today? I usually have an idea where I am going but once I start pounding on the keys of my laptop, ideas and dialogue begin to flow. It’s so fun. But the writing life can be pretty lonely too, so it’s important for me to connect with other authors. I met Kai Strand on a Facebook group for Middle Grade authors and she was kind enough to invite me to do an interview for her book blog….
You know you are a writer when…
You know you are a writer when you are,” in the zone,” your words easily flowing from your finger tips onto the page and you have to stop. It’s not because you want to, but because you have been writing for days and your neck and shoulders are screaming at you. They continue to burn with anger, punishing you for not giving them a break. You ignore them…you even take a pain pill to buy yourself some time, but their assault is relentless and you have to wave the white flag of surrender. #amwriting #amediting #authorlife
10 Things Every Mom Needs to Know, From Kids Everywhere
An Open Letter to Mom If you are a mom, this is a must watch. Here is a little reality check with wit and humor, seen through the eyes of a child.
A Modern Retelling, Eunuch to Talent Scout, meet Hawk
Standing in front of me, blocking the sun with his silhouette, was this—man-boy. A man-boy is what Calliope and I call guys we think are cute and totally too old for us but not really old—old, like our parents. Take for example, Matt Damon, who did all of the Bourne Identity movies. Cute. But no Zac Efron! As I was creating Hawk’s character, I pictured him in his mid to late twenties, with a certain mystery about him. He is not a man of many words. He does his job and then fades into the background. Every so often Liberty does…
Mom & Daughter’s World Collide: Downton Abbey Meets One Direction
My daughter Jordan and I are very different. She loves One Direction. I like One Republic. Her fashion sense is more urban while I am more classic. I am a touchy feeling kind of person, she…is not. Although we are different, I often try to find ways to celebrate how our differences can bring us together. Here is one such example. I love the television show Downton Abbey and it is no secret, if you know my teen daughter, she is obsessed with the boy band, One Direction! The girl is so enamored by them, I felt I needed to…