Are You A One Directioner? Do You know The Words To All Their Songs? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then I have some exciting news! Coming soon to a cyberspace near you is my new eBook, The Cure for a One Direction Infection, A Devotional. Perfect for any one directioner. This book chronicles the Up All Night album. Together we will unpack each song, look at the lyrics, understand what each song means, and how it can apply to you. Believe it or not, each song has a message. Sometimes good… sometimes bad, but there is always…
The Winner Is….
“Drum Roll Please! And the winner is…” Saying good-bye to Liberty Jane has been a mourning process of sorts for me. I know to a lot of you, it might seem trivial. However, Liberty Jane was a character I had written about for almost a year and grown to love. So, it was difficult for me when I had to change the name Jane. It was not just her middle name; she was called Liberty Jane as if it was her firstname. Trying to pick a new name, wasn’t happening. I must confess, these last 6 weeks Liberty ? has…