Win a trip to the World Famous Farmhouse Inn in Sonoma County, California. It’s simple really, head to and enter to win this once in a lifetime trip! Proceeds will go the The Mean Girl Extinction Project to provide resources, education and events for girls. We offer more than just anti-bully programs, we provide a platform for girls to develop positive self-esteem and body image as well as learn how to navigate healthy relationships with each other and diffuse conflict. We do assemblies and workshops but we also lead team building and create service projects to teach girls how to unlock the…
Beauty and your reflection…Motivation Monday
It is so easy to look to our reflection and and compare what we see by what society tells us is beauty. When we focus on our physical beauty, we are helping only ourselves. But when we spend our time and focus on our inner beauty (our heart) through our attitude, behavior and actions, we have the ability to help anyone and everyone. What an impact we can make in the world with a beauty that will last longer than a pretty face. And our inner beauty will cost us nothing financially. It will never need makeup, botox or anti-aging…
Barbie vs Average 19 Year Old Teen, How Do They Measure Up?
The above picture is a 3-D model created using Photoshop and the Centers for Disease Control’s measurements of the average 19-year-old woman. What a fantastic representation of what is real and normal for a teenage girl. I love the article by Scott Stump which I have included in the link below because he sheds light on an issue and topic which is a very real for every teenage girl…body image. I have mentored teen girls for almost 20 years now and the biggest struggle is body image. And it’s not only teen girls. I believe we as women in general struggle…