Ever doubt who you are? Put your fingers to your opposite wrist. If you have a pulse, you have doubted who you are! And if you are female, there have been times (more than you might like to admit,) you’ve thought with your emotions, not your mind. It can be so easy to believe the lies we tell ourselves. We give into insecurities, or allow rejections to define us. We can be an out of control rampant hormonal tornado, causing damage and destruction to ourselves… and if we’re being real, sometimes each other. Identity crisis and comparison are so dangerous. They can bring out the deepest and darkest ugly. I know, I’ve owned stock!
But as I’ve grown in my faith as a Christian woman, I have learned to trust and believe what God says of me, even when I’m not “feeling” it or honestly “believing” it.
At the end of speaking events, often girls will say to me, “You’re so confident in who you are or I want to be like you when I’m older.” First, I laugh so hard on the inside and think, HA! THAT’S REALLY FUNNY! Because, if you spend any time with me, you’ll see cracks in my confidence. But what I say to them is what I firmly believe to be true, “I’m not always confident in me, but I am confident in WHO Christ says I am.” If I believe what God says is truth, then I have to trust and believe what he says about me even when I don’t believe it.
I speak all over the country and as some may know, I struggled with a brain disease for well over 10 years. Although I am MUCH better, it can show up for an event I’m speaking at. I look normal, but I can REALLY struggle to get my words out. There have been times I’m standing up in front of hundreds of people, EXPOSED. I can’t fake it. Talk about doubting who you are!
This song is one of my theme songs and I believe it’s many, many girls/women’s theme song so I wanted to share it with you! I hope you buy it and play it over and over and over again. Use it to remind you of who God says you are, and believe it. You got this girl!
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